
Set your enterprise free from Oracle

Seamlessly migrate Oracle databases to the cloud without rewriting code, ensuring application compatibility while saving time, reducing costs, and minimizing risk for your organization.

No more Oracle Licenses

Eliminate costly Oracle database licenses

Minimize Time and Risk

Accelerate migration processes with reduced risk

Preserve Existing Apps

Maintain app compatibility without code rewrite

Intelligent database virtualization platform

Liberatii’s intelligent database virtualization makes databases interchangeable, enabling Oracle applications to run on new cloud platforms without code changes and with full confidence.

Unlock the full potential of Liberatii Data Platform

Explore Liberatii's enterprise-grade platform features for seamless Oracle database migrations to the cloud

Extensive PL/SQL Compatibility

Extensive PL/SQL compatibility, allowing Oracle-based applications to run smoothly on cloud databases

Low-latency Performance

Experience low-latency performance with real-time SQL and data translation for efficient database operations.

Enterprise-grade SLAs

Robust service level agreements guaranteeing performance, reliability, and availability for your mission-critical applications.

Automated Schema and Data Migration

Accelerate your migration process with automated schema and data migration to cloud databases.

Near-zero Database Downtime

Minimize downtime with Liberatii's Change Data Capture, ensuring uninterrupted business operations.

Advanced Monitoring Capabilities

Gain real-time insights and control over your database operations with advanced monitoring features.

Comprehensive PL/SQL support

Comprehensive support for Oracle-specific syntaxes such as SQL (+) Join Operators, Packages, Collections, Autonomous Transactions, Synonyms, and Nested Procedures/Functions.

Dynamic SQL

The challenge with dynamic SQL is that it can contain database-specific syntax, making it difficult to translate to other SQL dialects.  As a result, migrating dynamic SQL from Oracle to another database requires careful consideration and manual rewriting of the code, which can be time-consuming and error-prone.

However, with Liberatii's dynamic SQL translation feature, this challenge is overcome. The platform automatically translates Oracle's dynamic SQL syntax to the syntax of the target database, ensuring compatibility and reducing migration effort and risk.

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SELECT timestamp, avg(tempC)
FROM sensors
SELECT timestamp, sensorName, tempC
FROM sensors
LATEST ON timestamp PARTITION BY sensorName;
SELECT sensors.timestamp ts, rain1H
FROM sensors
ASOF JOIN weather;
Nested Function

Nested functions are a useful feature of PL/SQL that allows functions to be defined within other functions. While this can lead to more modular and reusable code, translating nested functions to other SQL dialects can be challenging. This is because different database systems handle nested functions differently, and there is no universal standard for defining and executing them.

However, Liberatii's platform has advanced support for nested functions, making it possible to seamlessly migrate applications that use this feature to other SQL dialects.

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SELECT timestamp, avg(tempC)
FROM sensors
SELECT timestamp, sensorName, tempC
FROM sensors
LATEST ON timestamp PARTITION BY sensorName;
SELECT sensors.timestamp ts, rain1H
FROM sensors
ASOF JOIN weather;
Store Procedures

Stored procedures are a powerful tool in PL/SQL that allow developers to encapsulate application logic within the database itself. While this can lead to better performance and security, migrating stored procedures to other SQL dialects can be complex and time-consuming. This is because different database systems have their own syntax and semantics for stored procedures.

However, Liberatii's platform has advanced support for stored procedures, making it possible to migrate them to other SQL dialects with minimal effort and risk.

Learn More
SELECT timestamp, avg(tempC)
FROM sensors
SELECT timestamp, sensorName, tempC
FROM sensors
LATEST ON timestamp PARTITION BY sensorName;
SELECT sensors.timestamp ts, rain1H
FROM sensors
ASOF JOIN weather;

Versatile database support across platforms

Seamlessly migrate Oracle databases to the cloud without rewriting code, ensuring application compatibility while saving time, reducing costs, and minimizing risk for your organization.

Purposefully built for risk-averse organizations

Liberatii ensures your data remains secure within your environment, offering transparent operations with a glassbox approach, so you stay in control.

Secure Data

Liberatii is deployed in your Azure tenant. Your data stays in your tenant, never exposed to the public internet.

End-to-End Encryption

Liberatii encrypts data in motion and in transit.

Zero-Trust Architecture

Trust No One, Secure Everything: zero trust architecture for impeccable in-tenant security.

Open-Security Platform

Customize your security with Our flexible security integration options (add your extra security features to our platform).

Oracle Database Migration Redefined

We get it. Below are the questions we’re frequently asked by our enterprise customers.

Which databases are supported by Liberatii Data Platform?

Liberatii Data Platform supports a range of databases, including traditional databases like Oracle and modern cloud databases such as Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery, and Snowflake. The list of supported databases is continually expanding.

What programming languages are compatible with Liberatii Data Platform?

Liberatii Data Platform is designed to be language-agnostic and can work with applications developed in various programming languages. It focuses on ensuring compatibility at the database level, allowing applications to maintain their existing codebase during the migration process.

What is the pricing structure for Liberatii Data Platform?

The pricing structure for Liberatii Data Platform depends on factors such as the size and complexity of your migration project, as well as any additional services you may require. It is best to consult with the Liberatii team to receive a customized quote tailored to your organization's needs.

What is the purpose and functionality of Liberatii Data Platform?

Liberatii Data Platform is a data platform (Platform as a Service solution) designed to make applications written for specific databases, such as Oracle, compatible with modern cloud databases. It automates schema and data migration, streamlining the transition process and reducing the complexities associated with re-platforming.

What if my application and database are not fully supported by Liberatii Data Platform?

If your application or database isn't fully supported by Liberatii Data Platform, you can reach out to the Liberatii team to explore potential solutions or discuss the possibility of implementing custom support for your specific requirements.

How does the Liberatii Data Platform technology operate?

Liberatii Data Platform works as an intermediary between your applications and the target cloud database. It intercepts SQL queries and converts them into a format compatible with the target database, ensuring seamless communication between your applications and the new database.

How can I evaluate Liberatii Data Platform for my organization?

To evaluate Liberatii Data Platform, you can start by reaching out to the Liberatii team to discuss your organization's specific requirements, database migration goals, and assess whether the solution is a good fit for your needs.

What happens if there is an issue with Liberatii Data Platform during migration?

If you encounter any issues with Liberatii Data Platform during the migration process, you should reach out to the Liberatii support team for assistance. They can help diagnose and resolve the issue, ensuring a smooth migration process.

What happens if I modify the original application during or after migration?

If you modify the original application during or after migration, you must ensure that the changes are compatible with both the original database and the target cloud database. Liberatii Data Platform can still be used to maintain compatibility between the application and the new database, but you should test any changes thoroughly to ensure that they do not introduce any issues.

How does Liberatii Data Platform impact my application's performance?

Liberatii Data Platform is designed to minimize performance overhead by efficiently converting SQL queries and ensuring compatibility with the target cloud database. While some minor performance differences may occur, the overall impact on application performance should be minimal. You should perform performance tests on the migrated application to ensure it meets your organization's requirements.

How does Liberatii Data Platform manage security and authentication?

Liberatii Data Platform supports various security and authentication mechanisms to protect your data during migration and while communicating with the target cloud database. This includes SSL/TLS encryption for secure connections, as well as support for Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and other authentication methods.

Can I revert back to the original database after migration if needed?

Yes, you can revert back to the original database after migration if necessary. To do this, you must ensure that you have a backup of the original database and application configuration.

What if Liberatii Data Platform does not fully support my app and database?

If Liberatii Data Platform does not fully support your app and database, you should contact the Liberatii team to discuss potential solutions or the possibility of implementing custom support for your specific requirements. They can help identify any limitations and work with you to ensure a successful migration.

Who is responsible for executing the migration and addressing any issues that may arise?

The migration process is typically a collaborative effort between your organization and the Liberatii team. While Liberatii Data Platform automates much of the migration process, your team should be prepared to address any application-specific issues that may arise. The Liberatii support team is also available to assist with any challenges that may arise during the migration process.

What happens if my application issues a command that Liberatii Data Platform doesn't understand?

If your application issues a command that Liberatii Data Platform doesn't understand, the conversion may fail or result in incorrect output. In this case, you should reach out to the Liberatii support team for assistance. They can help diagnose the issue and, if necessary, work on implementing support for the specific command or functionality.

How do I know which syntaxes are supported by Liberatii Data Platform?

The Liberatii team can provide a list of supported syntaxes and SQL commands for the specific databases you are migrating between. Additionally, during the assessment phase of your migration project, the team can help identify any potential compatibility issues and suggest the best course of action for a successful migration.

What is the typical migration process when using Liberatii Data Platform?

The migration process with Liberatii Data Platform generally involves assessing your database, planning the migration project, executing schema and data migration, and validating the migrated application against the new cloud database. After successful migration, Liberatii Data Platform ensures seamless communication between your application and the target database.

What is the migration process with Liberatii?

The migration process with Liberatii involves first assessing your database, followed by planning and executing the migration project. Schema and data migration are automated, and the migrated application is validated against the new cloud database to ensure a successful re-platforming.

How does Liberatii provide near-zero database downtime?

Liberatii Data Platform achieves near-zero database downtime by minimizing the interruption to your application during the migration process. By automating schema and data migration and efficiently converting SQL queries, Liberatii ensures a seamless transition to the new cloud database with minimal downtime.

How is schema and data migration performed using Liberatii Data Platform?

Liberatii Data Platform automates the schema and data migration process by analyzing the source database, generating an optimized schema for the target database, and migrating data while preserving relationships and constraints. The migration process is designed to minimize manual intervention, reduce errors, and ensure data integrity.

How does Liberatii Data Platform reduce migration time compared to conventional approaches?

Liberatii Data Platform minimizes migration time by automating the schema and data migration process, reducing manual intervention, and efficiently converting SQL queries to be compatible with the target cloud database. This approach streamlines the migration process and minimizes potential errors.

How can I assess my database for migration compatibility with Liberatii Data Platform?

To assess your database for migration compatibility, you can consult with the Liberatii team to analyze your application and database requirements. They can help you identify potential compatibility issues and suggest the best course of action for a successful migration.

How do I assess my database for migration?

To assess your database for migration, consult with the Liberatii team to analyze your application and database requirements. They can help you identify potential compatibility issues and suggest the best course of action for a successful migration.

Do we have to develop a new test suite for Liberatii?

You may not need to develop an entirely new test suite for Liberatii, as it is designed to maintain compatibility between your application and the new cloud database. However, you should thoroughly test the migrated application to ensure it functions as expected with the target database.

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